+91 9042474084


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  • Mechanical Engineering,Civil Engineering

    Dynamical Systems
    Dynamics and Vibration
    Energy Engineering and Management
    ngineering Materials
    Engineering Systems Design and Analysis
    Fatigue and Fracture
    Fluid Dynamics
    Fluid Mechanics and Machinery
    Fluids Engineering
    Fuels and Combustion
    Heat and Mass Transfer
    Heat Transfer
    Instrumentation and Control
    Internal Combustion Engines
    Machinery and Machine Design
    Manufacturing and Production
    marine System Design
    Material Science and Processing
    Mechanical Design
    Acoustics and Noise Control
    Advanced and Digital Manufacturing
    Nanomaterial Engineering
    Naval Architecture and Engineering of
    arine Systems
    New and Renewable Energy
    Noise and Vibration
    Nonlinear Dynamics
    Optical Engineering
    Plasticity Mechanics
    Pollution and Environmental Engineering
    Precision mechanics, mechatronics
    Production Technology
    Quality assurance and environment
    Cartography and Geographic Information System
    Coastal Engineering
    Computational Mechanics